Hi there, welcome to our online Mandarin service! Join us to worship the Lord and receive from Him through a word of encouragement.
The programme for our Mandarin service is recorded in line with government health advisories.
如果你做了决志祷告,接受主耶稣为救主,让我们联系你,将一份资源交到你的手上! 居住在新加坡的人士,请拨电至 (65) 6333 0220 (星期二至五),或点击以下链接。
If you have just said the salvation prayer, we'd love to connect with you and bless you with a special resource! If you reside in Singapore, contact us at (65) 6333 0220 (Tuesday-Friday), or tap the button below.
如果你做了决志祷告,接受主耶稣为救主,我们要联系你,将一份资源交到你的手上! 居住在新加坡的人士,请拨电至 (65) 6333 0220 (星期二至五),或点击以下链接。
If you have just said the salvation prayer, we'd love to connect with you and bless you with a special resource! If you reside in Singapore, contact us at (65) 6333 0220 (Tuesday-Friday), or tap the button below.
Have a testimony to share? We would love to hear about it!
分享见证SHARE WITH US订阅我们的YouTube频道,随时随地观看,证道和敬拜赞美等华语、福建话和广东话资源。
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and get sermon, testimony and worship video resources in Mandarin.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and get sermon, testimony and worship video resources in Mandarin.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and get sermon, testimony and worship video resources in Mandarin.
Access links to Mandarin online messages and resources, as well as notifications of Chinese Ministry’s updates.
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